A Cranberry Walks into a Bar

A Cranberry walks into a Bar

Cranberry Jokes

Cranberry Jokes

Why don’t cranberries make good comedians?
Because their punchlines are always a little too tart.

I took a cranberry to a party, but it just stood there in the corner.
Turns out, it was too well-preserved to mingle.

Cranberries tried to form a band with grapes.
But they couldn’t jam together—one was always too dry and the other too juicy.

What did the cranberry say to the orange in the cookie dough?
“I hope you’re sweet enough to balance me out, because I’m bringing the tang!”

Why did the cranberry refuse to go hiking?
Because it didn’t want to get bogged down.

A cranberry and a blueberry walked into a bar…
The bartender said, “We don’t serve your kind here.”
Cranberry mutters, “Figures. Always sour when we show up together.”

My cranberry pie wasn’t sweet enough, so I added sugar, honey, and syrup.
Now it’s in therapy for an identity crisis.

I asked my cranberry why it was always so bitter.
It said, “Well, you try getting through Thanksgiving without being sauced!”

Cranberries and raspberries tried to start a business together.
It failed because the cranberry was too bitter, and the raspberry kept blowing all the profits with its flashy taste.

Why are cranberries great detectives?
Because they always know how to track down the culprit in a jam.

Enjoy this little bit of fun as the internet can use much more (fun that is, not corny jokes 🙂 )

Chicke and Cranberry Cross the Road Joke

Why did the Cranberry Cross the Road

Why did the cranberry cross the road?
Cause hanging with the chicken was a good way to outshine the other berries, who get all the attention.

– Cranby

Dried Cranberry Powder