States where Cranberries Grow

A Bog of Cranberries in one US State

States where Cranberries Grow

There are 5 states that grow almost all of the cranberries in the U.S.

Cranberry Production by State in Order

1- Wisconsin – over 50%

2- Massachusetts – about 33%

3- New Jersey

4- Oregon

5- Washington

The last 3 states combined grow the remaining 17%.

Wild Bogs

The five states listed above are where the majority of the commercial farming of cranberries takes place, but in addition to those farms there are also wild bogs in some areas of the United States.

One of the more popular ones is in Ducktown in Polk County Tennessee. It’s approximately 120 acres in size and is owned by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.

Wild cranberry bogs are believed to have been remnants of the last Ice Age. So when the glaciers started to melt and rollback, revealing more and more wetland, the cranberry plant had the optimal conditions to grow and started to take root.

So yes that means that cranberries are a native plant to North America. The only other two fruit that are native to this land and are also being commercially farmed here are the blueberry and the Concorde grape. Thought that was an interesting tidbit of trivia.

– Cranby

Dried Cranberry Powder

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