How much Money does the Cranberry Industry bring In?

Cranberries Floating in the Water

Cranberry Industry in the U.S.

About $300 million.

Cranberry Stats in the United States

The total dollar value of U.S. cranberry production is approximately $292 million.

The majority, about 95 percent of this, is from processed cranberries. Processed cranberries are used for juice, sauces and cranberry products. The other 5% are fresh cranberries that you buy in those 12oz bags at the grocery store.

Within the U.S., the cranberry industry is dominated by just a few growers, in just a handful of states.

Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington; in that order.

All that money for a tiny little, red berry. Who knew? The mob may just move in on this industry if they find out. And decades later Netflix will have a special called, “The Cranberry King: Corruption and lies in the fields of Wisconsin.

You heard it here first!

Trivia: Which state produces the most cranberries?

– Cranby

Dried Cranberry Powder

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