Cape Cod Cranberries
Cranberries at Cape Cod are harvested between mid September and mid December.
Cape Cod Cranberry Fun
Southeastern Massachusetts is right in the heart of “Cranberry Country”. There are places in Cape Cod where you can go on a Cranberry Bog tour, and learn about cranberries, how they are grown, their history, their importance to Cape Cod and a lot more.
Tours are given in the summer during the growing season when the cranberry plants are in bloom, and in the fall when they are harvested. In the winter, cranberry plants lay dormant.
It’s a fun experience where you get to see how cranberries are grown and harvested. There is also plenty of wildlife to enjoy as well as the novel fun of being able to take home a bag of freshly picked cranberries.
The following farms offer cranberry bog tours in Cape Cod.
Hope this helps.
– Cranby