Cranberry Cups, OZ & Pounds Conversion Chart

A Measuring cup of cranberries.

Cranberry Conversion Amounts

Here we go:


1 Cup = 110 grams (1/4 pound) = 4 oz

4 cups – 440 grams (1 pound) = 16 oz

3 cups = 1 bag (the standard one you get at the grocery store with fresh cranberries inside)


1 bag = 3 cups = 3/4 lb = 12 oz

Ounces (OZ)

12 oz = 1 bag = 330 grams

4 oz = 1 cup

1 oz = 1/4 cup = 27 grams = 1/16th lb


– If you’re using frozen cranberries make sure they are still frozen and not defrosted when measuring.

– When using dried cranberries in recipes that call for fresh or frozen ones, you reduce the amount by 25%. So if a recipe calls for 1 cup of fresh cranberries you use 3/4 of a cup of dried etc.

Hope this helps with whichever awesome cranberry recipe you are trying out today.

Some trivia; how many cranberries are in a freshly picked, full, farm barrel? Click here for the answer.

– Cranby

Dried Cranberry Powder

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