Turkey Grilled Cheese w/ Cranberry Sauce
5 easy ingredients
Leftover Turkey & Cranberry Sauce? Make This:
Slices of leftover turkey
Cranberry sauce
American cheese
Sourdough (or white) bread
Softened butter
Simple method: Place leftover turkey slices and cheese in-between 2 slices of bread. Add a spoonful of cranberry sauce and spread. Butter both sides of the sandwich and place in a pan on medium heat. Cook slowly and evenly on both sides until bread is golden and cheese melted. Cut in half (diagonally is really the only way to slice a grilled cheese 🙂 ) and enjoy.
Just like any other recipe you try, your awesome next-day turkey/cranberry sandwich can be modified in so many tasty ways.
You can add in or substitute differnt kinds of cheeses including mozzarella, Havarti, brie or swiss. The bread can be white, pumpernickel, rye or whole wheat. Extra cranberry sauce can be chilled and added after to contrast the warm cheese, or just kept warm, inside to match it. A bit of salt/pepper or turkey spice adds flavor too.
Make Yourself Look Good
After you slaved away in the kitchen the day before on Thanksgiving, preparing all the food and sacrificing yourself for everyone else, make it look like you are still doing so by spraying a ‘tiny’ amount of water on your face so that you have that ‘labored’ look to you. Guilt works every time.

Turkey Grilled Cheese w/ Cranberry Sauce
Fresh cranberries are generally recommended for your sauce. A tasty Cranberry sauce recipe should be simple and ensure the sauce is thick.
Check out the rest of the amazing things you can do with them on this blog.
– Cranby