Wisconsin produces the most cranberries per state.
It produces 60% of all Cranberries in the USA.
Wisconsin Cranberry Facts
In 2019 alone, the state of Wisconsin yielded almost 60% percent of the nation’s cranberry harvest with the production of 4.67 million barrels.
The local economy benefits creating approximately 4000 jobs and $1 billion from cranberry production, making it the state’s most profitable fruit. Wisconsin leads the country in cranberry production, AND, it also leads the world.
If you ever find yourself driving through the lovely state, the bogs can be easily spotted along Highway 173 around Tomah and Wisconsin Rapids. The state is home to around 250 cranberry bogs which cover approximately 21,000 acres of land in 20 of Wisconsin’s counties.

Cranberry Day
Cranberries have a history in Wisconsin that the state’s Native inhabitants used often for multiple reasons.
Cranberries made up a good portion of the Ho-Chunk tribe’s trade with early colonists and it’s this trading that lead to commercial production in the state in the 1850s.
And from that arose the abundant production and farming of the red berry in Wisconsin until it became the state fruit.
Trivia: What state boasts the 2nd largest producer of cranberries?
– Cranby