Massachusetts is the 2nd Largest Cranberry Producer

A farm in Massachusetts that grows Cranberries

Massachusetts Farm

Most people think it’s the top producer in the U.S. but they are mistaken.

Massachusetts sits in 2nd Place

Massachusetts does produce quite a bit of cranberries for the country and to other areas as well. It supplies the U.S. with about a third of the nation’s supply at 1.8 million barrels which is no small feat.

So who’s in first?


Wisconsin? Never heard of it?

Yeah I know. How could a state so insignificant, where nothing exciting ever happens, be so badass and take first place over the mighty MA?

Well, the badger state kicks butt in the cranberry department, producing over HALF of the nations supply at 4.17 million barrels (2021 figures).

Five states produce almost all the country’s cranberries with WI and MA taking the top 2 spots:

Wisconsin: 4.17 million barrels
Massachusetts: 1.8 million barrels
New Jersey: 600k barrels
Oregon: 550k barrels
Washington: (under 100k)

Are Cranberries Man Made?

Cranberries Harvested by Men in the Water

So what else Grows in Massachusetts?

Top agricultural products in Massachusetts ranked in order.

Cranberries: The red berry takes top spot.
Dairy: A cow produces 350,000 glasses of milk in it’s lifetime.
Turkeys: Half a million pounds of turkey are eaten on Thanksgiving in the United States.
Apples: Tress take 5 years to produce fruit.
Cattle: Each steer weights about 1000lbs

– Cranby

Dried Cranberry Powder

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