Fresh Cranberry & Fruit Juice Recipe

JUice made with cranberry, orange, apple, lemon and pear in a glass.

Fresh Cranberry & Fruit Juice

The Recipe


Recipe Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup cranberries
  • 2/3 of an orange
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1/5 lemon


Recipe Directions

  • Prep fruit: Wash cranberries, peel orange and lemon and cut apple and pear into slices.
  • Add them all into your favorite juicer, juice press or blender.
  • Blend until smooth. Serve.
  • Optional: Garnish with cranberry or leftover fruit.

Notes & Options:

Optional: Cranberry juice is great on its own, but including other fruit in your daily health juice adds some variety and extra nutrients to your nutritional profile.

– Some people like leaving the lemon peel on for some extra zest.
– Feel free to replace some of the fruit in this recipe with others that are to your liking. Just make sure you include something sweet like oranges to counter the tartness of the cranberries.


JUice made with cranberry, orange, apple, lemon and pear in a glass.

Fresh Cranberry & Fruit Juice

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